About us

We are a partnership of agencies and services, established under The Care Act 2014, which works across Stockport to oversee the safeguarding of vulnerable adults who are experiencing abuse or neglect.

Our members include:

  • Stockport Council
  • Greater Manchester Police
  • NHS Greater Manchester
  • Stockport Homes
  • Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
  • Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
  • Healthwatch Stockport
  • National Probation Service
  • Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
  • Age UK Stockport
  • independent care providers
  • the voluntary sector

Our Independent Chair and Scrutineer, Gail Hopper, provides independent oversight of our work.

To contact us:

Our strategy

Alongside the Stockport Safeguarding Children Partnership, we have developed a business plan for 2023-2026 (PDF, 525Kb).

In summary, our business plan states that we will do 5 things to help people who live in Stockport be safe and happy:

  1. Working together to help children and adults.
    We will make sure we talk to other people who are working with you.

  2. Helping children when they turn 18.
    We will help children to be grown-ups and live safe and happy lives.

  3. Listening to children and adults and what their lives have been like.
    We will make sure you are kept safe and we help you from things you’ve had
    trouble with before.

  4. Working with children and their parents to keep them safe.
    We will make sure if we write things about you, they keep you safe and are

  5. Working with adults to keep them safe.
    We will help adults to live by themselves and be safe and happy.

Key partnership documents

Safeguarding Adults Partnership Annual Report 2023 to 2024

PDF, 1.49 MB

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The Multi Agency Policy for Safeguarding Adults At Risk in Stockport

PDF, 2.2 MB

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Read our other key strategy documents